We are back at Prophetic church of God to renovate their kitchen! Our hope is to bring this space back to life so the church can use the kitchen to serve their congregation.
Job Estimate: $40,000
Project Cost: $16,000
SHM Savings: $24,000
Over the course of just 3 Saturdays, we were able to provide this church basement with brand new flooring. A project that would have cost $20K was pulled off with only $9K in materials, which was covered by a generous donor. We provided this church with an clean, upgraded space to facilitate their community outreach ministries.
Job Estimate: $16,000
Project Cost: $0 (due to a generous donation)
SHM Savings: $16,000
Funding Goal
Funds Raised
Days to go
Target Goal
Campaign End Method
123-125 North 5th Street, Paterson, NJ 07522, United States (US)